Proper intake of vitamins is extremely essential for maintaining eye health and preventing the onset of many ailments. Although we can obtain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients through the food sources but it becomes difficult to get them in the sufficient amount. Owing to the fast paced world, most of...
Health must be at the top priority for each one of us. A person with excellent health feels fresh and energetic at all times. Proper body functions and a healthy mind help increase your morale and allow to work more effectively. No one can execute their daily chores both personal...
Get your custom health insurance plan to treat the common gastrointestinal (GI) tract diseases
Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract runs from your mouth to the anus. Health of GI tract is important, because if your GI is infected or gets disease-ridden, you will experience problems with your bowel movement, and also with the digestion of food. Small and large intestines or colon are part of...
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that leads to unpredictable hair loss. It has affected around 6.8 million people across the United States. In many cases, hair fall comes in small patches in the small size of the head. For many people, hair loss is just a few patches or...