Our brain controls all our actions, reactions, movements, thoughts, sensations, breaths, and heartbeats. Therefore, needs fuel to continue moving. This energy comes from the food we consume. The way our brains work is impacted by the food we eat. The brain functions better when foods high in vitamins, minerals, and...
Intense, pulsing, or throbbing pain in one head area is referred to as a migraine. Vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound are possible additional symptoms. Maybe the day before you're supposed to host out-of-town visitors, you get a migraine. Perhaps your migraines always begin on the first day...
Most people use the blame game when they have a terrible night of sleep, blaming their devices' blue light, work-related stress, or their bedmates' tossing, turning, or wagging. However, most sleep-deprived people don't consider their dinner or late-night snack a common sleep disruptor. As it turns out, your choice of...
Humans tend to avoid frightening emotions. Who wants to enter what will be a painful situation right away? But if you avoid facing the boogeyman inside, the monster will hold you captive. Typically, this entails running away from any stressor that might upset you and engaging in endless diversions. Unfortunately,...
Healthy eating is the foundation of healthy living. The way your body and organs work depend on the food you eat. However, to maintain health and prevent infections, each organ in your body needs a specific combination of vitamins, nutrients, and supplements. This is the primary justification dieticians and doctors...