Communicable diseases, also known as infectious diseases, are illnesses which are caused by bacterial and viral infections, and spread from one person to another through contaminated surfaces, bodily fluids, air, droplets, etc. These can also spread through animals, pathogens, protozoa, and fungi. Some people are at an increased risk of...
Your lungs are a complex system, they expand and contract 25,000 times throughout the day to bring in fresh oxygen needed by your body cells, and expel the harmful carbon dioxide from your system through contraction. Lung diseases may refer to several types of diseases and disorders that prevent your...
You'll start noticing the fall colors taking over social media and wardrobes all over the place as the temperatures drop and fall foliage begins to appear. You won't be able to avoid wearing pink this month, though, for a good reason. Now that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, everyone...
If you've spent years inhaling cigarette smoke, pollution, viruses, and other poisons, cleaning out your lungs and starting over can be very enticing. But if you're tempted to buy supplements, teas, or essential oils that claim to clean your lungs, don't because that will be a waste of money. There...
Which would be the best health insurance plan to treat ear and other diseases of your employees?
While most people know about hearing loss, there are many other conditions that can affect ear. Here, we have briefly described some of the key conditions that may affect your ears. Infections of the middle ear The majority of hair problems originate in the middle ear. Viruses and bacteria can...
Know about the common neurological disorders and the ways to lower the costs of treatments of your employees
Neurological disorders affect the brain and nerves found throughout our body, and also the spinal cord. Though it can genetic, neurological disorders can also occur due to congenital abnormalities, lifestyle or environmental health problems, or injury to the brain, nerves, or spinal cord. The signs of the neurological disorders may...
Proper intake of vitamins is extremely essential for maintaining eye health and preventing the onset of many ailments. Although we can obtain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients through the food sources but it becomes difficult to get them in the sufficient amount. Owing to the fast paced world, most of...
Get your custom health insurance plan to treat the common gastrointestinal (GI) tract diseases
Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract runs from your mouth to the anus. Health of GI tract is important, because if your GI is infected or gets disease-ridden, you will experience problems with your bowel movement, and also with the digestion of food. Small and large intestines or colon are part of...
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that causes the brain to shrink, and results in the death of brain cells. The most common cause of Alzheimer’s disease is dementia, a condition characterized by a continuous decline in thinking, and behavioral and social skills that can affect a person’s ability...
What causes pain, their types, symptoms, and the best health insurance for pain medications, and other diseases?
Whether it’s dull or sharp, or no matter which part of your body it occurs, such as head, back, or legs, pain can make life difficult and miserable for you. Pains are of multiple types, and have varying causes for them to occur. The pain that you are able to...