Communicable diseases, also known as infectious diseases, are illnesses which are caused by bacterial and viral infections, and spread from one person to another through contaminated surfaces, bodily fluids, air, droplets, etc. These can also spread through animals, pathogens, protozoa, and fungi. Some people are at an increased risk of...


If you've spent years inhaling cigarette smoke, pollution, viruses, and other poisons, cleaning out your lungs and starting over can be very enticing. But if you're tempted to buy supplements, teas, or essential oils that claim to clean your lungs, don't because that will be a waste of money. There...


Proper intake of vitamins is extremely essential for maintaining eye health and preventing the onset of many ailments. Although we can obtain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients through the food sources but it becomes difficult to get them in the sufficient amount. Owing to the fast paced world, most of...
