
Different Types Of Cancers That You Need To Be Aware Of 

Cancer refers to a large group of diseases but all of them have one thing in common – normal cells multiply and spread abnormally. Normal cells divide and multiply normally on the instructions of genes but cancerous cells multiply uncontrollably, and they also ignore the instructions to die (apoptosis), and have the capability to move around in your body. They also grow faster than normal cells. Many types of cancers do not manifest any symptoms in the early stages, and if you show up with other conditions, you should get yourself tested for cancer. For example, lung cancer does not show symptoms until it is advanced because lungs have fewer nerve endings, and tumors can grow there without causing pain to the patient. Signs of lung cancer include persistent cough, wheezing or shortness of breath, constant chest pain, and loss of hunger. 

Prostate cancer is urinary tract cancer in men wherein one has trouble holding back urination, or there is a sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate. One may need to urinate often, and there is a pain when one pees. One may also have trouble getting or keeping an erection, and blood or ejaculation fluid may come along with urine. If you are a man above 55 years with any of the above symptoms, you should get yourself tested for prostate cancer. 

Breast cancer and skin cancer  

You may have breast cancer if there is a new lump or mass in your breast. Most lumps are painless but some may be painful. You may have swelling in the breast, and there could be nipple discharge that isn’t breast milk. See a beast specialist if you notice any of these symptoms. You may have colon and rectal cancers if you lose weight without trying, there is a change in your bowel habits, and you constantly feel to have the bowel movement. Melanoma is a mole or mark on the skin that looks notched and grows quickly. Blood in the urine is the first sign of bladder cancer. 

Early diagnosis is important  

You can decrease your cancer risk with some lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking that will help in lung cancer and oral cancer. Reducing the intake of high-fat and high sugar foods also helps in reducing the risk of a certain types of cancers. Reducing exposure to radiation lowers the risk of skin cancer. Add exercise to your daily routine, it boosts your immune system and increases your capacity to fight cancer. Cancer is diagnosed with blood tests, imaging tests, and biopsies. Genetic testing may be carried out to diagnose inherited cancer.   

Different stages of cancer  

Cancer can be of below different stages. 

Stage I cancer is localized; it is confined to a small area and does not spread to other tissues. 

Stage II cancer is grown but hasn’t spread to other areas. 

Stage III cancer spreads to lymph nodes or other tissues. 

Stage IV or metastatic cancer is advanced cancer that has spread to other areas or organs of your body. 

Cancer is usually treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or bone marrow transplant. The treatment of cancer is costly but if you have health insurance, you can significantly lower the cost of your cancer treatment. 

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