A kidney stone is a complex, crystalline mineral deposit that develops within the kidney or urinary tract. The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are all part of the urinary system. A kidney stone is also known as a renal calculus or a nephrolith in medical language. Kidney stones are among the most painful medical conditions. Kidney stones are generally filtered by the kidney and excreted through the urine. Sometimes, due to dryness, the salts may not dissolve and crystallize. These crystals can become large enough to clog the renal ducts or lodged in the ureter, causing significant pain in the urinary tract.
Kidney stones can occur for a variety of reasons. The most prevalent cause is dehydration. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily keeps you hydrated and lowers your chances of kidney stone formation. Stone formation is also linked to diet and inherited factors. The pain caused by stones can be excruciating, and it usually comes in waves lasting 20 to 60 minutes. You can assist in relieving the agony of kidney stones and speed up the body’s natural healing process by using some simple natural therapies.
- Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar
It is one of the most efficient home treatments for kidney stones and associated discomfort. Because both substances are high in citric acid, they aid in the dissolution of kidney stones and the alkalinization of blood and urine. Aside from cleaning out the impurities, apple cider vinegar can assist in relieving the pain caused by the stones. Combine two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 6-8 ounces of filtered water to get these advantages. This mixture should be consumed throughout the day. You should limit yourself to one 8-ounce glass of this mixture each day. If used in high quantities, apple cider vinegar can cause potassium deficiency and osteoporosis.
- Celery
It removes pollutants that lead to the production of kidney stones. It also aids in the removal of toxins from the body, allowing you to pass the stone. To make the juice, boil one or more celery stalks in water and drink it throughout the day. Avoid ingesting this combo if you are scheduled for surgery or have low blood pressure. You can also drink celery juice, use celery seeds as a seasoning, or add them to tea because they are excellent urine producers and kidney tonics.
- Pomegranate juice
Pomegranate juice not only lowers the acidity of your urine, but it also lowers your risk of future kidney stones. It also functions as a natural cleansing agent, assisting in removing pollutants that cause kidney stones. You can drink as much pomegranate juice as a home remedy for kidney stones because it has numerous other health benefits.
- Drink plenty of water
Excessive water consumption speeds up the process of passing a stone. One of the most common causes of kidney stone production is a lack of hydration. If you are passing a kidney stone, drink at least 12 glasses of water and make sure you are not dehydrated. This is a tried-and-true home treatment for kidney stones.